Jova/Daniels/Busby Inc., one of Atlanta’s oldest architectural firms, founded in 1966, filed Ch. 7 bankruptcy on January 14, 2013 and Mr. Hays was appointed as the Chapter 7 trustee. The Trustee is in process of investigating the case and determining the status of client engagements.
Court Dockets
April 11, 2013 | Docket #39 | Trustee's Notice of Abandonment of Property Filed by S. Gregory Hays on behalf of S. Gregory Hays. Objections due by 4.29.2013 |
March 27, 2013 | Docket #34 | Order Approving Motion to Sell Property of The Estate |
March 26, 2013 | Docket #33 | Order Approving Settlement with Wells Fargo |
March 26, 2013 | Docket #32 | Order Motion For Approval of Joint Stipulation And Settlement Agreement |
March 1, 2013 | Docket #29 | Notice of Hearing on Motion for Approval of Joint Stipulation and Settlement Agreement and Authority to Reject an Unexpired Lease |
March 1, 2013 | Docket #28 | Motion to Approve Settlement Agreement |
March 1, 2013 | Docket #27 | Notice of Hearing on Motion to Sell Property of the Estate Free and Clear of Liens |
March 1, 2013 | Docket #26 | Motion to Sell Property of the Estate Free and Clear of Liens |
February 19, 2013 | Docket #22 | Motion to Approve Settlement Agreement Between Trustee and Wells Fargo Bank - Part 1 |
February 19, 2013 | Docket #22 | Motion to Approve Settlement Agreement Between Trustee and Wells Fargo Bank - Part 2 |
January 25, 2013 | Docket #11 | Stipulation and Order Permitting the Trustee to Abandon Certain Estate Property and GRANTING Relief from the Automatic Stay |
January 24, 2013 | Docket #9 | Statement of Financial Affairs, Attorney Disclosure Statement , Summary of Schedules , Declaration Concerning Debtor's Schedules |
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