Hays was appointed as Receiver for this operating business in Reno, Nevada on September 26, 2016.
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Used tech company owner may be planning to flee with gold bar stockpile, attorneys say
November 04, 2016Comments are offThe man behind a massive used phone scheme is accused of violating court orders. “Returned to sender.” That’s the stamp on hundreds of boxes of used phones, now on their way back to customers who sent them in to Laptop and Desktop Repair in Sparks, Nevada.Continue Reading →Lawsuit: Company short-changing customers in cellphone buy-back program
October 30, 2016Comments are offCompany owner David Kruchin is suspected of acquiring phones by short-changing his clients, then selling their phones for big profits on eBay and elsewhere.Continue Reading →The hunt for phones & money after used tech scheme shutdown
October 16, 2016Comments are offWill unhappy customers get their devices back—or maybe even refunds for their phones & laptops?Continue Reading →Inside the takedown of a multimillion dollar used phone & laptop scheme
October 16, 2016Comments are offHays was appointed as Receiver for this operating business in Reno, Nevada on September 26, 2016.Continue Reading →FTC charges Laptop & Desktop Repair in Sparks with deceptive buyback offers
October 05, 2016Comments are offThe FTC and the State of Georgia have filed charges against the Sparks-based electronics buyback company accused of deceiving customers. Hays was appointed as Receiver for this operating business in Reno, Nevada on September 26, 2016.Continue Reading →FTC, State of Georgia Charge Operators of Electronics Buyback Scheme with Bilking Consumers out of Millions
October 04, 2016Comments are offHays was appointed as Receiver for this operating business in Reno, Nevada on September 26, 2016.Continue Reading →