The Securities and Exchange Commission filed a complaint in the United States District Court for the District of South Carolina in April 2007 against Albert E. Parish, Jr. and Parish Economics LLC claiming they had been fraudulently operating five investment funds.
The case involved a fraudulent securities offering with $523 million allegedly invested in various hedge funds and investment pools. Mr. Hays was appointed as the Receiver and Hays serves as Accountants and Financial Consultants to the Receiver. We liquidated assets including real estate, cars, watches, pens, artwork, real estate investments, and life insurance policies and are recovering significant funds from third parties. The case has received extensive local and national media coverage. The TV show American Greed aired a story on the case in 2009.
May 1, 2013 Investor Update
Final distribution checks were mailed in April 2013 and the case has been closed effective September 13, 2013.
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Treasure Hunt
January 15, 2013Comments are offTreasure Hunt The Post & Courier April 14, 2007Continue Reading →Economist Accused of Fraud
December 12, 2012Comments are offEconomist Accused of Fraud The Post and Courier April 6, 2007Continue Reading →S.C. Professor Accused of Fraud by SEC in Missing $134 Million
December 12, 2012Comments are offS.C. Professor Accused of Fraud by SEC in Missing $134 Million The State April 6, 2007Continue Reading →